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    来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2022-09-17 发布人:admin
    Antibacterial board used for indoor decoration is an environmental protection product. No matter where it is used for decoration, tooling or home decoration, it is more environmentally friendly. The base material of Fumeijia antibacterial board is asbestos free calcium silicate board, which does not contain formaldehyde and radioactive substances. It is Class A fireproof, mildew resistant, large format, pollution resistant, and can be customized to meet the color requirements of different areas. So what should we pay attention to when decorating indoors?
    1. Product material characteristics
    The primary characteristic of the antibacterial plate is that it can be used against aging. The plate will not deform for a long time and has good water resistance. For example, if someone leaks water upstairs, ordinary plates will bubble and crack. The antibacterial board will not have deformation problems. Because in the process of production, both the front and the back of the board are back coated, effectively strengthening the waterproof of the board. The appearance and color are very beautiful. The surface is smooth and not easy to hide dirt. It is very convenient to clean. It is very suitable for bathroom and kitchen decoration. It can be repeatedly scrubbed.
    2. Attention during construction
    During the construction of the antibacterial board, the wall flatness shall be positioned and set out, and then the lining board device shall be installed. Then the gap shall be outlined, and the assembly shall be completed. The installation is very convenient. Basically, one carpenter can complete it, saving time.
    During decoration, you should control the number and distance of points, and determine the distance and size of the device according to the height and width of the wall and the special shape of the wall. The flatness and straightness of the whole liner surface should be taken as the primary control point. The device is convenient and easy to control, which is a very positive construction data.
    Based on the characteristics of Fumeijia antibacterial plate, it can be used in many occasions, in the operating room, or in the clean workshop of the food processing factory, or in the dust-free workshop of the electronic factory. The specific use effect of this plate is relatively good, and it has always been popular in the market. You can come to our website anytime you need https://www.fumeijia.net Consulting procurement!







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