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    来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2024-01-15 发布人:创始人

    挂墙板是以轻质陶粒作混凝土骨料。陶粒由于内部多孔,故具有良好的保温隔热性,用它配制的混凝土热导率一般为0.3~0.8W、(m.k)它比普通混凝土底1~2倍。所以,陶粒建筑都有良好的隔热环境,耐火性好,其耐火性是普通混凝土的四倍多。85mm墙板防火≥2.0小时、100mm墙板防火≥ 3.0小时。

    Wall panels are made of lightweight ceramic particles as concrete aggregates. Due to its porous interior, ceramic particles have good thermal insulation properties. The thermal conductivity of concrete prepared with them is generally 0.3-0.8W, (m.k), which is 1-2 times higher than that of ordinary concrete. So, ceramic buildings have a good thermal insulation environment, good fire resistance, and their fire resistance is more than four times that of ordinary concrete. 85mm wall panels have a fire resistance of ≥ 2.0 hours, and 100mm wall panels have a fire resistance of ≥ 3.0 hours.

    挂墙板属于轻质骨料钢筋混凝土产品,板材自身具备防水、防潮性能,可用于厨房、卫生间、地下室等潮湿区域且不会出现因吸潮而松化、反卤、变形、强度下降等现象。试验证明,墙板能在无任何饰面的情况下,用水泥粘结的 池体装满水后,墙板背面能保持干燥不留任何痕迹,在潮湿天气里墙面也不会出现冷凝水珠,而一般砌体不能防潮,时间久了会产生批荡层脱离现象。

    Wall hanging panels belong to lightweight aggregate reinforced concrete products. The panels themselves have waterproof and moisture-proof properties, and can be used in damp areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements without loosening, anti halogenation, deformation, and strength reduction due to moisture absorption. Experiments have shown that wall panels can be filled with water in a cement bonded pool without any surface finish. The back of the wall panel can remain dry without leaving any traces, and there will be no condensation water droplets on the wall even in humid weather. Generally, masonry cannot be moisture-proof, and over time, it may cause detachment of the batch layer.

    墙板的榫接设计采用无收缩砂浆堵塞连接缝,并用高强纤维网带于两面覆盖板缝, 因此墙身整体具有良好的防水、 防潮性。

    The mortise and tenon joint design of the wall panel adopts non shrinkage mortar to block the connection joints, and high-strength fiber mesh tape is used to cover the board joints on both sides, so the overall wall body has good waterproof and moisture-proof properties.


    面向浴室的墙板,于表面涂两层水性防潮剂及在板夹缝填10mm 深的防水胶,可达到防潮要求。

    The wall panel facing the bathroom can be coated with two layers of water-based moisture-proof agent on the surface and filled with 10mm deep waterproof adhesive in the gaps between the panels to meet the moisture-proof requirements.

    挂墙板出色的隔音性能, 85mm墙板空气声计权隔音量达到47dB; 100mm墙板空气声计权隔音量达到51dB;可根据客户的需求,通过特殊设计,生产隔音量达到50~53dB的墙板。

    Excellent sound insulation performance of wall panels, with an air sound meter weight of 47dB for 85mm wall panels; 100mm wall panel air sound meter with a weighted sound insulation volume of 51dB; We can produce wall panels with a sound insulation capacity of 50-53dB according to customer needs through special design.


    Wall hanging panels have strong plasticity. Wall hanging panels are rare lightweight concrete panels with double-sided and bi-directional reinforcement, which are equipped with cold drawn steel mesh frames.

    在施工现场可根据要求任意开洞、切割、回填,而不影响墙板结构稳定性;   且内有贯通圆孔,方便水电管线的安装隐埋。

    At the construction site, holes can be opened, cut, and backfilled as required without affecting the stability of the wall panel structure; And there are through circular holes inside, which facilitate the installation and burial of water and electricity pipelines.


    Wall mounted panels do not contain harmful substances to the human body and meet the national standard GB6566-2001 "Radionuclides in Building Materials". The scope of use is not restricted, and they are certified as green and environmentally friendly building materials by national departments.


    Anchor screws can be used to install cabinets at any point of the wall panel, nails can also be used, and marble can be hung externally, with a hanging force of up to 300Kg.

    其它板材往往因芯孔太大,或板材刚度不足,无法提供足够的锚固力,不能任意吊挂重物,给用户带来麻烦和不便。 根据英标BS5234做悬挂测试,悬挂力达到300Kg,锚固件保持原位,无松动或脱落。

    Other boards often cannot provide sufficient anchoring force due to their large core holes or insufficient stiffness, and cannot freely hang heavy objects, causing inconvenience and inconvenience to users. According to the British standard BS5234, a suspension test was conducted, and the suspension force reached 300Kg. The anchor components remained in place without any looseness or detachment.


    The hanging wall panels are connected to the structural walls and columns using mechanical anchoring methods, and are equipped with steel reinforcement frames to ensure that the walls have good integrity. Their seismic, impact, and bending resistance are unmatched by other walls. According to BS5234, a wall compression test was conducted, and the load was loaded at a height of 1.2m on the wall. The load increased by 2.0KN and m from zero, and the deflection deformation was less than 1.0mm. After unloading, the wall was restored to its original shape without any dangerous damage.


    This article is from: Fumeijia Anti Betide. For more information, please click: http://www.fumeijia.net We will provide you with a satisfactory service for the questions you ask. Welcome to come








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